Privacy policy


Who we are

Contact details:
Sequoyaslaan 26
1950 Kraainem

Tel.: +32 468 41 66 92

Collection of personal data

Odiss collects personal data via the website These personal data are only intended for internal use.

Cookies on our website

During a visit to our website, ‘cookies’ can be placed on the hard drive of your computer. A cookie is a text file that is placed by the server of a website in the browser of your computer or on your mobile device when you consult a website. Cookies cannot be used to identify people, a cookie can only identify a machine.

‘First party cookies’ are technical cookies that are used by the visited site itself and that aim to make the site function optimally. For example: settings that the user has made during previous visits to the site, or: a pre-filled form with data that the user has made during previous visits.

Third Party cookies’ are cookies that do not originate from the website itself, but from third parties, e.g. a marketing or advertising plug-in. E.g. cookies from Facebook or Google Analytics. For such cookies, the visitor to the site must first give permission – this can be done via a bar at the bottom or top of the website, with reference to this policy, which does not prevent further surfing on the website.

You can configure your internet browser in such a way that cookies are not accepted, that you receive a warning when a cookie is installed or that the cookies are subsequently removed from your hard drive. You can do this via the settings of your browser (via the help function). Keep in mind that certain graphic elements may not appear correctly, or that you will not be able to use certain applications.

By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies.

Analysis of our website

We analyse our website via Google Analytics. The above-mentioned cookies provide us with more insight into the use and functionality of our website. Google is committed to working in accordance with the GDPR. You can find the privacy statement of Google Analytics here.

Sharing your personal data

As indicated earlier, we only use your personal data internally. We do not share your personal data with third parties.

Retention of personal data

We keep your personal data for 5 (five) years. We are obliged to keep all records during this period for administrative, legal and security purposes.

Personal data that you enter yourself on our website is stored in our web hosting database. This database is located at Easyhost, in the EU. Easyhost is committed to working in accordance with the GDPR. You can find Easyhost’s privacy policy here.

All our partners are responsible for the security of your personal data. They provide databases with the necessary encryption, take security measures at hardware level and also have a security policy related to access to their locations.

Securing your personal data

All our partners are responsible for the security of your personal data. They provide databases with the necessary encryption, take security measures at hardware level and also have a security policy related to access to their locations.

Securing other confidential information

As a consultant in the field of cybersecurity, Odiss is extra careful with handling sensitive information from its customers. In addition to personal data (see above), this concerns information collected during conversations, audits, projects or training sessions with customer representatives. In order to store and transfer this information securely, Odiss uses the most modern policies and tools in the field of passwords, encryption, softwares, etc. Do what you preach is our motto.

Procedure in case of data breach

If a data breach or theft of data occurs, we will notify the authorities below in order to limit the leak and/or theft.

  • Police
  • Privacy authority
  • The relevant partner where the data was stored
  • The victims

In the event of a data breach or theft of data, we take the necessary measures to close the leak as quickly as possible. Since Odiss only has limited personal data (surname, first name, telephone number and email address), the notification to the Data Protection Authority within 72 hours is not mandatory.

Your rights over your personal data

You always have the right to consult your personal data. On simple request you can gain insight into your personal data via email.


If you have any questions regarding the handling and processing of your personal or other information at Odiss, you can reach us by phone or email.