
Grants & Financing

Receive subsidies

KMO-portefeuille is a subsidy mechanism to support training for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

For cybersecurity courses, provided you meet the conditions, the mechanism will contribute 35% to 45% of the training price, depending on the size of your company.

If you are unsure whether your company is susceptible to this and to which size category your company belongs, check this on

Follow training with KMO-portefeuille

As a training organization, Odiss was approved for intervention in the KMO-portefeuille.
Registration No Odiss: DV.O248615

KMO-portefeuille will ask you to pay your share of the training (so depending on your company from 55% to 65% of the training price) to the KMO platform.

The Flemish government will pay the other, subsidized part (i.e. 35 to 45%) to the same platform.

After the training, and if you as a customer give the green light, the remainder of the training amount will be paid to Odiss.

Note: to accept a trainee, Odiss requires proof of payment of the customer’s own share of the SME portfolio PRIOR to the start of the training itself.


Apply for subsidies for training and advice. Each subsidy application must be submitted no later than 14 days after the start date of the services.